♥ whatcharliesaid. 5:33:00 AM
♥ whatcharliesaid. 4:35:00 AM
been planning this for quite sometime though.
last year to be exact.
delaying it because our schedule are just damn diff.
picnic date bebeh :)
best of all, PUBLIC bebeh :)
we took train over to orchard, and a bus to botanical gardens :)
♥ whatcharliesaid. 12:15:00 AM
part two :)
eps meet-up.
had fun with my chics and boys.
sheesha,few games,many laughs,
i had fun people.
thanks! :)
after them,
was CP.
addictive i must say :)

durian buffet!
it was good.
i thought it would taste like those fake durian flavours.
but, it's good yaw.
thanks 10C!
it was during my first month in ttsh,
i've join the nurses' day competiton :)
it goes level by level.
so, i ask zhi er what is it about,
so, just wanna have fun,
and it was great!
almost every week,
thurs, fri and say we practice.
got into the finals bebeh!

did an act.
trial and error here and there,
but it all work it out.
thanks to ratna for the treats and being so supportive to level 10 crew :)
thanks to RABIAH for being the best; like in everything.
great to know you babe.
thanks to wei kiat for being such a darling; always buy us drinks :)
thanks to the level 10 crew for giving your time to come for practices.
thanks to ward 10C who threw out their voices and lungs during the performance :)
i had great, great FUN :)
saranghae yo!

♥ whatcharliesaid. 11:02:00 PM