♥ whatcharliesaid. 12:34:00 AM
i was out the whole day yesterday.
god; tiring noh...
it was the last session of saturdayssss on our cambodia trip.
and wednesday, we're off :)
my TC (team cambodia) people + lynn (not in pic) :)
after the session, met my gerek people, for like 15 minutes?
it's been a month i've not been coming to band.
i miss my trombone :(
i miss the people.
i mean, this people + sheena + fuzzy + kak faz + noreen + khai + isabell + koonie + fahmi + syahidah + jonathan + firli + yaya + jane + diana + ming zhen + fadhil + ........

saranghae yo band-ates!
hafiz pick me up over at school.
went to beach road to look for the red cross badge.
none seems worth to buy.
had our lunch.
the mee goreng was damn salty.
but sugar cane with sour plum was great :)
then head down to RP.
was caught in the rain.
stop under a flyover.
while waiting for the rain to stop...
khai prompt me over at msn yesterday night,
saying that they had a surprise plan for the march babies.
i don't know what happen,
but the surprise was off.
haha.anyway, had a hole in my shoe.
so pot luck it is.
i feel kinda bad cause i didn't bring anything.
i wanted to buy snacks.
i told hafiz that they were for my cambodia trip.
but he said, no need!
mane nak letak barang-barang dier?
mane muat dalam box?
anyway, izyan, BITCH!
haha.should have taken a snap of her and her lips :)
so....thank you people for the food.
but compliments to nessa's (correct?) brownies :)
love it!
and next stop to mandai :)
but before that....

the three muskeeters?
they; forever nuts.
with the mask and all.
uno = the babi game.
capture some babi moments :) was loud.
khai was the maths calculation for babi level 1 :)
and all of us were trying so hard to get zai talk to us.
anyway, congrats.
he was the only babi-less.

after we send ifah off,
admiralty park :)
izyan gave off some accessories :)
thanks ehk....
love it :)
hafiz and i went off at around 10pm
spent my day worth while :)
i had fun.
thanks CP.
more pictures soon :)
the boys :)

the girls :)

in group :)
gamsa hamnida! :)
♥ whatcharliesaid. 10:12:00 PM
a quick one.
a day to malacca.
me, alif, mama, abah.
adik went for her camp.
so, just the 4 of us.
it was rather naked though without raudha.
anyway, it was like a flash.
shopping was chop-chop!
bought a new bra!

♥ whatcharliesaid. 9:57:00 PM
♥ whatcharliesaid. 9:13:00 PM
bile nak date lagi nie?

♥ whatcharliesaid. 11:10:00 PM
♥ whatcharliesaid. 10:48:00 PM
i don't know.
it's rather a mix of feelings.
nervous, happy and sad.
finally, i've finish my 2 years course; Nitec in Nursing.
it's so fast.
i still feel that i'm a nursing STUDENT.
but nursing student NO MORE.
i've learn alot during this 2 years.
patience and perseverance.
it takes alot of guts to take this course.
i never thought that nursing would be THE job.
as weeks and months pass by,
well, nursing is not bad.
i admit, it's tiring.
but there's a whole lot more to it.
you'll face many and different challenges everyday.
i am thankful to god.
blessing to my dearest hornynurses babes;
wendy/ cassandra; the one who always check on other people's ear wax :)
ina/ kuntom; the one who always tear even when she laughs :)
rena/ mei mei; the one who always runs away when we're having group hugs or kisses :)
monica/ molly, monita; the one who can't stop queuing over at the dessert stall :)
lily/ kakak; the one who always sings out of tune, pitch and rhythm :)
these girls, work miracles on me :)
without them, i swear, i don't know how am i to pull myself up in campus.
i love them, very much.
i am very thankful to them.
they give me hope and always be there when i need them.
these girls, they're very patient with me.
they will wait for me.
haha! most of the time.
i'm the last to pack my bags,
i'm the last to come out of te toilet,
i'm the last to ask questions,
i'm the slowest,
i can't multi task.
monica would get irritated when i keep asking.
mei mei will have no comment.
lily will always say 'this girl ahhhh'
wendy will just laugh about it.
ina will give me the face; 'the' face.
we would always wait for the time to eat.
during lessons,
and to decide where to eat and what to eat,
we would start asking each at around 9 or 10am?
which is like 2-4 hours more to lunch?
and after lunch, during lesson,
either me, monica or both of us would fall asleep :)
when it comes to group work,
not to brag,
but i would say, we're the best.
we get things done before hand.
and we would do anything,
not to separate any of us.
we don't mind to have additional people in our group,
but if you suck in your work,
that's it babe.
i love these girls.
you guys are missed!
i wish all of you chics with happy lives and success to your career!
lily, i'm expecting babies babe.

i love you girls very much!
muackz! :*
♥ whatcharliesaid. 11:17:00 PM